My Brief Biography
I was born on October, 5, 1992 in Burma, Kyar Ain Sei Gyi Township, Kyauk Be Lu village. I started to learn education in my village when I was a child at primary school. When I finished Grade Five in my village, I needed to move from other areas for continuing my study because there wasn't Grade Six in my village. So, if I wanted to study in towns like Hpa-An and Maw La Mying, it would cost a lot of money and I couldn't afford to pay educational fee and for living in lent a house. Moreover, my family couldn't afford for my education because my family's economic condition was in crisis and needed to struggle hardly. Therefore, I came to Noe Poe for continuing my study with my sister's assistance. I started to learn education in Noe Poe at Grade Six and when finished Grade Seven, I came to study in Umphium for continuing my High School. When I finished Umphium High School, I came to study in Has Thoo Lei Post Ten which based on Moe Sot. "In 2012" Now, I am a Grade Twelve student in Has Thoo Lei Post Ten and also it is my last year in Has Thoo Lei, although, my educational journey isn't coming to end. Therefore, I need to work very hard for continuing my education in the future.
Saw Moe Min
Educational Value
I am strongly begin to interest in my educational journey during I study in Hsa Thoo Lei and I begin to know about the educational value which I have never done when I studied in camps and beyond .Also, I think, I need to have more knowledge for sharing to my community because I have seen some of people in my community who have a little knowledge so they can't segregate between the good thing and bad thing in their lives so much. So, sometimes, they have made a mistake in their lives.So, in my opinion,I think people who live in rural areas need more education. Moreover,giving more priorities to education for new generation is the most important aspect.